Thursday, May 8, 2008

Just let me state for the record, We're giving love in a family dose...

So I am in a much better mood than I was Tuesday, an I know things can only go up from here cause I finally have a day off and am

So, completely ignoring my sulk-fest last time, I’m moving on to write about much happier things.

Thankfully I brought my camera along last weekend when we decided to all head down to Fish Creek Park. It started out as a huge mass, but in the end whittled down to just three. Amanda, Layne and me. There is something so wonderful about spending time with the people you love. These two, just happen to be two of my absolute favorite.

We all bring such unique personalities to the table that when you jumble us together your never quite sure what you’ll get. Needless to say I’m usually the one who’s down for the count laughing a lung up, but on Saturday between Layne and I we had her bust a gut. Thank god I had my camera.


And here are both the goofballs, Amanda on the left, Layney on the right.


And amidst all the laughing, I managed to take what I think has moved into one of my top favorite slots. It is one of the photos where everything managed to be perfect, at least in my mind. Amanda thinks it’s a little bit of an unflattering angle but I think it captures her perfectly. One who is usually so sensible, organized, levelheaded, here she is completely carefree, it’s so unbelievably fantastic. It’s pictures like this that make me know I am moving in a positive forward direction.



As I See It Photography said...

I also love that last picture...great job!

Anonymous said...

seriously - brutal!! i look like a DB fanny! haha :)