Saturday, May 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Aunty Pam, Happy Birthday to you!

So I'm a little late in posting this since my Aunt's birthday was last weekend, but life has been a little busy. And really, I'm just beyond stoked that this is my fourth day in a row posting consequetive blogs.

But back to my Aunty Pam. I’ve searched and searched, and come to the realization that she hides from my camera way too well. My goal of the week is to try to capture a new picture to post on here.

She is, to say the very least, one of the most important people in my life. Her beauty inside and out is incomparable. I thank everyday for the moments that brought and have kept her in my life. She has the most infinite patience, love and understanding of anyone I’ve ever met. With her constant, never-ending faith in me, it is hard to believe there would ever be a feat I couldn’t overcome.

So last weekend me and my cousin Layne stayed up far past our bed time and decked out the whole kitchen in balloons, streamers and signs. It was beyond fantastic, I didn’t take very many pictures cause I was too busy enjoying a lazy bones Saturday morning, but this one completely froze in time the feeling of the day and our family.
Have a great weekend everyone



Anonymous said...

Love this pic of the kitchen!!