Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned...

I know, I know, it’s been 2+ weeks and I haven’t posted anything. My boss did finally come back from holidays, and it seemed like the stress from work bled right into the stress for school, and the dreaded f word. Finals.

I’m over them now, so hopefully, with this being my third declaration to post regularly, it will actually happen. I do have so many pictures to post, though for now, I can only post a couple. I’m on a friends computer, and need my laptop for the rest of the pics

But anyways, I had said last post that I had some good things coming up, and last night was one of them!! Shelley passed my name along to the wonderful Claire Cocheme, a local photographer, and I had the amazing opportunity to assist her on an engagement. It was SO incredibly remarkable. If I had any doubts as to making the right decision in focusing my efforts on photography, they were all quelled yesterday.

During and afterwards I felt like a giddy little kid, spouting on and on of engagements, eternal romance, finding your true love. I mean really, we are talking about the girl who could recite single-handedly Pride and Prejudice, not really a shocker that I could fall so in love with this career.

I’m hoping to help Claire out again with a wedding mid-May, and may even have more opportunities sprouting up for the summer. Here is to a fantastic 2008!!!

P.S. : I was feeling a little nostalgic, so here are some oldies, but goodies! And Connie if you're reading this, these are for you :)





P.P.S. : Our family has a slight love affair with dirtbiking, in case anyone didn't gather :) haha.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Life's like a road that you travel on...

Man, keeping this thing up to date has been nearly impossible lately. I'm just running out the door, a spontaneous trip up to Edmonton to celebrate one of my best friends pending Graduation from Nursing is on the agenda this weekend.

I've got so many wonderful pictures to share (Calgary snowed like 7 inches in the south). And I'm sure with this weekend I'll take many more. I hope all everyone on this front is well, i've got some really exciting things happening in the next couple weeks, and I can't wait to come home a post an overdue long entry.

Here's to the weekend :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Stay Yourself and Nothing Less....Stay Fearless

So I am a total slacker. This much is obvious, but I have honestlybeen so completely and utterly swamped. Really to sayswamped is an understatement.

My boss went for holidays and I'm in chargefor the next couple of weeks, so things have been slightlyresembling a type 3 hurricane around here. But enough of the excuses, here I am, and I'm going to try to get this back into a regular habit.

First off, I went to a great seminar last Saturday. Wedding photographer Davide Greene came to SAIT to do a small presentation and I managedto grab some tickets at the last minute and squeeze in.

I really liked a lot of his ideas, and found it great just to get my mind more immersed in the workflow of it all. It was also helpful to see what specific principles have worked to build his success so quickly.

I did try to mingle, though I must truthfullyadmit I'm quite shy and didn't manage a lot more than a whispered hello. My shyness has always been a tad ironic, since really the moment I'm comfortable and let my guard down I'm quite boisterous, loud and outgoing. I suppose that's another goal to set for myself: Get better at opening up more off the batwhen meeting new people.

In other news, I've been going around trying to look at other fellowwedding professionals around Calgary and found a boat load ofbeautiful photography.Though a standout I must say is Shelley of As I See It Photography, who is not only incredibly talented, but so amazingly kind-hearted. I've been talking with her and her generosity with advice has been so helpful.So here's a shout out to her, anyone and everyone should check out her blog here!!!

And with all that, I think I'm caught up. Hope everyone else has had a greatweek, and has an even better weekend :)