Thursday, May 15, 2008

Life, I love you, all is groovy...

Sorry I took a little break there between entries, that last one was a little heavy so I thought everyone (me included!) could use a bit of a breather. There has been a lot that has happened in these few days, and I’m stoked to report the little gems I stumbled upon this week.

First off I joined twitter, as you can see it’s been added to those tabs to the left below my friendly little welcome message. So in case you haven’t reached your fill of my crazy little antics you can get an up to the minute update of my day at any time. Convenient aye? I think it takes blog stalker to a whole new level really, haha. Just kidding. Sort of. :)

Besides that, I also found the most fantastic new blog to add to everyone’s favorites. Again found through Jessica Claire (can that blog get any better?) It’s called Pioneer Woman, and I have to say that I spent a good third of my morning yesterday reading the enthralling “Black Heels to Tractor Wheels” story. I mean if the title doesn’t get you, surely the first post describing dreamy Marlboro Man will hook you. Her site is a great eclectic mixture of tales from a ranch life, cooking recipes, romance and home schooling horrors/joys of having four kids. Everyone should go read the latest, and if you’re skeptical in the least, read this entry here, I literally spit sprite through my nose it was so damn funny.

And lastly, through much idiocy on my part I processed the credit card payment to take the pDNA. I would so highly recommend this test, at 208 questions it perfectly assesses where you are in every aspect of your career, from creativity to marketing. I’ve been drooling at the bit for a while now to become a founder, and I’ve got my fingers crossed and several prayers sent up to Allah, God, and Capital One that it can fit on my credit card come June 1st. Anyone who isn’t familiar should visit Dane Sanders blog here for the latest.

I’m sorry this post is picture-less, but I promise I’ll post some downright classics tomorrow. Have a great day!


Dane Sanders said...

Right on Camille!