Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Take a journey through the mind of a Riddler"

So this morning I sat, at the unholy hour of five am, oatmeal in hand, clicking my way down the list of photography blogs that’s accumulated as of late in my favorites column. What with joining [b] school, I’ve added a half dozen new links to scatter among my usual Jasmine Star and Jessica Claire visits.

In an effort to really align with the schools attitude I know how important it is to have regular visitors, let alone the rampant joy a new comment brings (Don’t tell me I’m the only one here whose smile could rival Jack Nicholson’s Joker when someone new comments!)

So there I was the last of my apple cinnamon delight faced with four un-updated blogs. Well. How, rude. The nerve of some people! Don’t they know that I’ve got to have something to read in amidst blow drying my hair and tying my shoes?

And that’s when I came here to notice that indeed I haven’t just let one or two days pass like my fellow photographers; it’s been a whole week since my last post. So maybe you’ll forgive my previously complaining paragraph, as procrastination, me and him, we’re pretty tight.

I’ll try not to list my way through familiar excuses though will note that I spent the last three days consumed with packing tape, boxes and newspaper. My original thought had been to wait until we were settled and my new Imac arrived, but in relying on Canada Post we could be here a while. In an attempt to eliminate whining next week about my woeful shipment problems as an excuse for blog neglect I figured I’d post and say I am attempting to improve my patience.

Let’s stare at my beautiful new computer—I am still unsure which joy is greater, the joyful ease of an Apple making it’s way into my hands, or the joyful glee in which my PC will be tossed of the balcony….I’ll get back to you


In googling this, I found it might not be the most appropriate description, I was going for unbridled happiness, not deranged psycho, but ah well, can't be perfect.


** Note: If anyone has comments just bursting out of them feel free to leave some here and spread some of the love to my fellow [b] school friends :) **
Catie Ronquillo
Jenn Galloway
Jessica Hanaumi


Jasmine said...

Isn't the B School awesome?! :) Love it there!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Mac side. We just joined and are loving it!

Jessica said...

That's hilarious! I'm jealous, I must admit. Thanks for mentioning me in your blog! I feel like I'm becoming famous :)