Monday, October 13, 2008

"Oh! The good old hockey game, Is the best game you can name; And the best game you can name, Is the good old Hockey game!"

I had one of those amazing weekends, you know the ones that stretch so wide it feels like the start of another week just might not be so bad. It was one of those.

Friday seemed like it would never come, and when it finally did I had the awesome surprise of meeting up with a friend on his way to the airport for an amazing boys trip to Costa Rica. Yes, as I sit and type this with a sweater and the furnace on, they are on a beach, surfing in gorgeous sunset. But, don't worry I'm not jealous at all :)

Saturday, we hit up the Calgary Flames Season opener. And in completely ignoring the health conscious part of our brains we ordered not one, but two large nachos. And coca-cola. And four malts. I blame the Saddledome really, something about the atmosphere just begs you to eat those vein clogging foods you'd never normally consider. We ended up losing, which was a complete bummer in overtime, but it was still a great game to watch. As big of a fan of hockey as I am, I haven't been to very many games and Uncle Keith got us row eleven centre ice, so seeing the sweat down Lombardi's face was worth it all.

Sunday we did the trek up to Sylvan for Thanksgiving. I think I've finally gotten to a place where some of these holidays aren't nearly as hard as they've been in the previous two years. It's so hard to even consider sinking into a melancholy mood with how crazy my family is, and I wouldn't really have it any other way. Crude, loud, hilarious, I am thankful for every person and what they bring to the table.

So all in all it was a fantastic weekend, and while my outer thighs might not be thanking me, my heart sure is.








As I See It Photography said...

ohhhh sounds like you had a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

love your lighting in these! they have such a comfortable, homey feel