Thursday, March 20, 2008

Let's Give Them Something To Talk About...

So, clearly that whole wait another week to buy the 5D was just too long of an estimation because....

....I got it tonight!!!!!!!

I cannot remember a time that i've been so entirely ecstatic, dumbfounded, enthralled, and just plain 100% happy. It is beautiful, more beautiful then I could have ever guessed. I just read the manual back to front, and am impatiently waiting for the battery to finish charging so I can give this baby a whirl.

The salesman at futureshop seemed a little gobstopped when I asked for the 5D, seems like they don't get many high end camera sales usually. I'm sure I made his day when the $3044.00 total rung up. I had a small moment of heart failure signing the receipt, but I know this is the start of something fantastic. Tomorrow I'm going down to The Camera Store and getting my new lense, I'm going to start off with the 50mm F1.4 USM, hopefully one day I can swing the 1.2, but for now this will do.

And...enough of my ravings, I'm off to play with my new toy!!

PS, here are some new shots of me on Christmas morning....I mean, an hour ago :)






congrats on your new toy! you WILL LOVE it!