Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"Makes no difference who you are, Anything your heart desires, Will Come to You"

There’s no excuse, I just simply let life trample over me. I don’t know what it is about summer but I always feel like there’s eight things tugging at my attention, and my juggling act this year became slightly pitiful.

And amongst the chaos I couldn’t really bring myself to look here, my naively hopeful words plastered in a seemingly haunting way. I promised myself I would be open and honest here, to have a true reflection for the future to see my growth, And in true honesty, I lost faith in this, lost faith in myself.

I let myself go to the bleakest of places, where failures are magnified and problems seem insurmountable. Things seemed to spiral and I let my normally sunny attitude become considerably more cloudy.

And I’m here to apologize to myself, because I know I’m not only better, but stronger than that. And I know I will make this dream happen, it might take a little longer than I’d like but I’ve got to put down my inhibited and bashful ways when it comes to stepping out on that ledge. And I’ve got to untwist my perception that stressed finances is enough of an excuse to quite.

I am vowing here to not let time pass and guiltily neglect this blog, I will ask anyone I can to take their pictures. I will put out everything I have, and in turn create what I know I can be.


As I See It Photography said...

Hey there! You can do it! Let this be the year!!!!