Friday, October 24, 2008

"Take a chance, take a chance take a take a chance chance"

I love boardgames. Always have, always will. But there will forever be one that stands out in my mind, that game among games that truly shows you the essence of one's character. A teetering slope that can turn nasty at the drop of the die. No matter who you play with I find you need to reign it in, because at the hour and a half mark, things can get real ugly, give or take Park Place. Last week Amanda, Mark and I pulled up a seat and proceeded to in the most sportsmanshiply fashion to yell, whine, argue and barter our way across the board.

Monopoly. Ah, the joy...




You can tell a lot by how each player sorts their money: Amanda prefers banklike sorting, and I like mine all in a stack....and then there's Mark....


All down hill from here!


Note: The title of this blog is solely dedicated to one of my best cousins Krafty K...the person who has forever instilled in me to break into ABBA whenever reaching for a chance card.


Mark Brooke Photographers said...

Thats awesome! Mark and I LOVE Board games also. we could play them all day long.

Catie Ronquillo said...

I remember one time where my sister and my cousins duked it out in monopoly for close to 6 hours! I definitely think it shows your true colors!