Sunday, January 11, 2009

"And I want these words to make things right, But it's the wrongs that make the words come to life."

Have you ever just stood at the departures gate at the airport? Taken a small moment to watch all of the different people facing that inevitable last glimpse of their loved one before security? Some people face it head strong, smile pasted on, some people take it a little harder. I’ve always fallen heavily into that latter category.

I hate goodbyes. Loathe might be the better word, I think they’re horrible in that impossible to avoid sort of way. But the worst kind of goodbye is the one where you aren’t expecting it. In four sleeps my cousin Layne says goodbye to her bestest of friends, a move gaping their normal 0.3 km from each other to nearly 4000.

They’ve had this past entire week to cram every last bit of friendship from baguette fighting to flour throwing in. Yesterday I took them out to try to do my best to put their friendship into some sort of tangible thing they could hold to remember. And while taking the pictures I remembered in that most magnificently thirteen year old way as hard as life can shake you, there are always pockets of true and absolute joy. No matter the distance of state lines, nothing can take the love they have for each other. Not their shared secrets, or hysterical laughter, that’s all there’s. Forever.





I love this one.




This one will forever go down as one of the best pictures I have and will ever take.




I’d really like to hope these two aren’t saying goodbye, more as, see you later with a bit of an emphasis on the later.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful words and beautiful photos!

Anonymous said...

Awww, nice photo-story Camille! I am sure your readers can relate to what you write! I know I do! :-p

Anonymous said...

feel free to at any time write about my love affair with my new jewelry stand... pics are great fan!! x

michelle ford said...

omg. i know what that's like. in fact, i found some friends (and best friends) that i hadn't seen in 18 years because i moved countries and oceans away. you gave them the bestest gift ever.

As I See It Photography said...

Wow..great pics to go with a great story..I remember what it was to be 13 and I only wish I had pics of me and my best friend like this..they must LOVE them.

Anonymous said...

t's such a tickety-boo site. fabulous, very stimulating!!!




Anonymous said...

I agree with you.