Friday, September 5, 2008

"This could be the very minute I'm aware I'm alive"

It’s been nearly a month since and I am still finding myself grappling with stubborn insecurities. And it seems they’ve gotten the better of me.


Things have happened that I wished I’d wrote here but I guess I just felt too….shy. Now any one within an actual sphere of my world reading this would probably choke with astonishment at such a word in any way attached to my usually frighteningly loud gushing self, but it seems here in this substantial cyberspace of photographer-land I am swallowed in fear and retreat quickly to the safety of daily blog stalking and blank silence.

In feeding off the wonderful quote I added to the left, I am going to truly envelope myself in my own uniqueness. I know the wonderful me, I need to put aside being afraid to share that. Need to remind myself not to feel so discouraged when things don’t come easy, a quality you’d think I’d have grasped by now.

Here’s to my fifth or sixth kick-in-the-ass to smarten up. To be accountable, to be committed. To photography, to this blog, to others around me. To myself.