Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Here I Go, Here I Go, Here I Go Again...

Shame on me. Not only did I seemingly drop off the blog world for a couple days, but I chose Easter as the time to do it. I had been doing so good with the regular postings, but still somehow managed to fall behind this week. Memories past are haunting me with the seemingly dozens of journals dated January 1, followed with the failingly naive “This will be the year I stick to it”….But anyhow, here I am, attempting to make amends JI hope everyone had a great weekend, I managed to finagle my way out of my usual Sunday shift and used the day to finally go see my Uncle Keith’s new place in Sylvan Lake. All of us cousins piled in the car, and with cruise control and some killer mix CD’s Amanda, Jamie, Jeff and I had a flawless trip.

I’m trying to take more pictures but in between my bouts of hysterical laughter and multiple food induced comas I only managed a few. Below is my favorite one I snagged just as we were leaving Calgary. Our Grandma gives us all an ornament each Christmas and despite Jamie’s usual loathing for all things December she’s had this hanging there for months and I knew it would make a nice shot.


Also I wanted to leave a small note in thanks for the couple of fellow photographers that have left little comments here. I cannot in anyway describe the complete happiness it fills me with when I read them. Each time I come home and look and see another I can’t help but yelp out the most hideous squeal of delight (I’m certain my roommates are thrilled with my newfound popularity on the web).

As a note I wanted to see if any of you guys had any advice, I’ve been looking into Dane Sanders and his Fast Track Photographer program. I’ve seen a couple of your blogs and was wondering how the founder membership really works? I’m a student, and well just shelled out for the 5D, so cash isn’t in abundance. But if this is a smart investment for my business/future I’d like to consider it. I’ve been looking into all the seminars/workshops, especially with all of Becker’s recommendations on The B School as of late. If anyone would leave any comments on their opinion, it would be seriously appreciated!!!


As I See It Photography said...

Hello! Congrats on joining this crazy profession! Thanks for your comment on my blog! It is an effort to try to keep it up! haha. Maybe e-mail me directly info@asiseeitphotography.ca
and I can maybe help you out a bit!
Talk to you soon,
PS: I love your writing...can't wait to see your work! You will love your 5D even though it isn't Nikon :(
Kidding! How can you tell I shoot Nikon? hee hee