Shame on me. Not only did I seemingly drop off the blog world for a couple days, but I chose Easter as the time to do it. I had been doing so good with the regular postings, but still somehow managed to fall behind this week. Memories past are haunting me with the seemingly dozens of journals dated January 1, followed with the failingly naive “This will be the year I stick to it”….But anyhow, here I am, attempting to make amends JI hope everyone had a great weekend, I managed to finagle my way out of my usual Sunday shift and used the day to finally go see my Uncle Keith’s new place in Sylvan Lake. All of us cousins piled in the car, and with cruise control and some killer mix CD’s Amanda, Jamie, Jeff and I had a flawless trip.
I’m trying to take more pictures but in between my bouts of hysterical laughter and multiple food induced comas I only managed a few. Below is my favorite one I snagged just as we were leaving Calgary. Our Grandma gives us all an ornament each Christmas and despite Jamie’s usual loathing for all things December she’s had this hanging there for months and I knew it would make a nice shot.
Also I wanted to leave a small note in thanks for the couple of fellow photographers that have left little comments here. I cannot in anyway describe the complete happiness it fills me with when I read them. Each time I come home and look and see another I can’t help but yelp out the most hideous squeal of delight (I’m certain my roommates are thrilled with my newfound popularity on the web).
As a note I wanted to see if any of you guys had any advice, I’ve been looking into Dane Sanders and his Fast Track Photographer program. I’ve seen a couple of your blogs and was wondering how the founder membership really works? I’m a student, and well just shelled out for the 5D, so cash isn’t in abundance. But if this is a smart investment for my business/future I’d like to consider it. I’ve been looking into all the seminars/workshops, especially with all of Becker’s recommendations on The B School as of late. If anyone would leave any comments on their opinion, it would be seriously appreciated!!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Here I Go, Here I Go, Here I Go Again...
Posted by CamilleElise at 9:28 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Let's Give Them Something To Talk About...
So, clearly that whole wait another week to buy the 5D was just too long of an estimation because....
....I got it tonight!!!!!!!
I cannot remember a time that i've been so entirely ecstatic, dumbfounded, enthralled, and just plain 100% happy. It is beautiful, more beautiful then I could have ever guessed. I just read the manual back to front, and am impatiently waiting for the battery to finish charging so I can give this baby a whirl.
The salesman at futureshop seemed a little gobstopped when I asked for the 5D, seems like they don't get many high end camera sales usually. I'm sure I made his day when the $3044.00 total rung up. I had a small moment of heart failure signing the receipt, but I know this is the start of something fantastic. Tomorrow I'm going down to The Camera Store and getting my new lense, I'm going to start off with the 50mm F1.4 USM, hopefully one day I can swing the 1.2, but for now this will do.
And...enough of my ravings, I'm off to play with my new toy!!
PS, here are some new shots of me on Christmas morning....I mean, an hour ago :)
Posted by CamilleElise at 9:45 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
You lose, You Learn...
I've got big news... it looks like I'm going to take the big plunge and buy the Canon EOS 5D next week. While it's *gulp* a lot of money, I know it's a smart investment, and one more thing to seal my commitment to this new stage in my life. Getting over the effect it's going to have on my bank account is definetly made easier by the fact that i've been drooling over this camera for a very long time.
I can still remember my first camera, my Dad bought it for me when I was around 12 years old. (Now for those who don't know me, this is where I insert a small insight to Camille's idiosyncrasies 101 - I am an extremely forgetful person at times - though with time and growing up I get better, I'm sure a phrase often uttered in my house will always be "Has anyone seen my keys/wallet/cell phone?")
But to get back on track, due to my extreme forgetfulness as a child my Dad was hesitant to buy me something so valuable. Persistence paid off though, because after nagging my Dad for weeks he announced he had bought me my very first camera. Ripping it out of its package I found the most appallingly bright yellow Crayola camera anyone has ever seen. First instinct had me crying out at the injustice of it all, but I bit back and remembered money didn't grow on trees, and my track record of being a little scatterbrained was less than encouraging.
So convinced was I to prove to my Dad that I was a responsible young adult, I carried and used that thing for four years until it was in essence, threadbare. Looking back it was one of my first true displays of responsibility, and despite it's appearance I was so unbearably proud of that little camera and the pictures I shot with it. Even now it's blaringly obvious how in love with photography I was, always wanting to document the candid moments in my life.
I think this 5D will certainly add to my skills as a photographer, with all of its manual settings, fancy lenses and 12mega pixels. But I'd like to think that the talent and ability to capture beautiful moments lies within me, whether I'm behind a gorgeous Canon, or my old little Crayola.
Posted by CamilleElise at 3:43 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Here Comes The Sun
So here I am at my very first blog entry. A small first step, but I'm positive it's in the right direction! I've recently decided to take the leap of faith and turn a long time passionate hobby into my career.
For as long as I can remember photography has been my one outlet to channel all my turbulent feelings throughout this life. Whether it be joy, love, desperation, sadness...i've vented it all through that one lense.
Though it was my passion, it simmered on the back burner as others pushed me to find a "reasonable" job. Thus leading me to accounting; while not the most stimulating career choice, it proved to be challenging and financially rewarding. With the stability the business image reflected I felt confident in my choice and it has been my life for the past year and a half.
Until one random aligning of fate had me stumble across this website: I firmly believe it was more than a stroke of luck that had me stumble across the amazing Becker ( I downloaded all 57 videocasts and became enthralled with the amazing world of support that he'd created. A particular episode focused on the thought that "we all start somewhere" and since I watched it I realized the changes I wanted to start making in my life. Needless to say I've been on the path to becoming more true to my self since.
So here starts this very first entry, a little rambly but hopefully one step towards a bright future!
Posted by CamilleElise at 10:05 PM 3 comments